Community Engagement
CHCA Mural
The CHCA mural is a current work in progress. My goal with this project is to bring more art into Millville MA, and bring the community together as a way to celebrate the. history and future of our small community.
During the CHCA Mural Extravaganza we will have anyone who lives in Millville MA, or has ad an impact on our town leave their handprint in the water of the Blackstone Valley River, which runs through our town.

Bee Hotels
In 2016, a report from the United Nations stated that 40% of insect pollinators face possible extinction (Potts et al., 2016). This threatens our food security and the overall health of our vital ecosystems, therefore, it is important to remember the little things we can do to help our native pollinators. Habitat loss is one of the driving factors in insect losses, therefore, we can help native pollinators by providing bee hotels. Bee hotels can provide space for solitary bees to nest in and they can help give back to our environment in a positive, fun way, while helping improve urban ecology.
(Created 2020)
Helpful Resources to Learn More

Lucky Rats
With all that is happening in the world today, many people are feeling isolated and alone. My goal with this free art initiative is to make connections with people, and hopefully give them a moment to be mindful and present. With the finders keepers mentality, people are able to take the lucky rat with them. Hopefully whenever they look their new lucky rat people will remember the excitement and connection they felt when first finding the rat.
(Started 2019-present)

The Kevyn Project- A Social Experiment
Video Social experiment project in response to "I like America and America likes me" by Joseph Beuys in 1974